Like this project? Here are some ways you can help:


The project’s contribution priorities are kept in the ZeroPhone Wiki, so if you’re interested in contributing, pick one of the priorities described =) Beforehand, visit our IRC channel - #ZeroPhone on Freenode (webchat), or email me (zerophone on, same goes if you want to talk about any other ways you could help the project.

I’m more than happy to spend my time on this project, but I still need to order components, iterate on PCB design and cover other expenses like shipping, so there are project-relatedexpenses I need to be covered from time to time. You can donate here using PayPal, or on 1PTvacVfBVB3LKRemaLwM5BQ9AdhmhqeY2 using BitCoin.

Fill in this survey

I have a small survey you could complete, so that I can understand if ZeroPhone project is moving in the right direction - the responses I get are very useful, helping add new features, address your concerns and get new ideas!

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